Jindalee Lithium listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:JRL) on 11 July 2002, after raising $2.7M via an Initial Public Offer. Since our IPO we have undertaken very few capital raisings and, as a result, maintain a tight capital structure, with 60.5M shares on issue.

Our Board of Directors are strong supporters and hold approximately 25% of the issued capital of the Company.

Our current focus is the McDermitt Lithium Project, located on the Oregon-Nevada border. The McDermitt deposit is one of the largest (by contained lithium) and most strategically important lithium deposits in the United States. The deposit, discovered by our management team in 2018, has the potential to be a low-cost, long-life source of lithium for the electrification of North America.

Leading the charge for ethical and sustainable practices

We see the transition to a decarbonised economy as an opportunity to rethink the outcomes of mining practices for the better. We are deeply committed to ensuring that our operations have a positive impact on both communities and the environment. That includes engaging with Native American people in every phase of the mine lifecycle.

Our Flagship Operation

McDermitt Lithium Project

In June 2018 we announced the acquisition of the McDermitt Lithium Project located in south-east Oregon. An upgrade to the Mineral Resource (MRE) at McDermitt was announced in February 2023, with the resource now standing at 3.0Bt @ 1,340ppm Li (1,000ppm Li cut-off) for 21.5Mt Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE). Our McDermitt Project is now one of the largest lithium deposits in the US by contained lithium.

Oregon / Nevada
2018 - 
The Future

A clear way forward


Our Social Responsibility

We take our responsibility to the environment seriously, engaging a dedicated team of highly experienced environmental consultants to help manage all aspects of our licence to operate.

Baseline studies complete Extensive environmental and cultural baseline studies were completed in 2022, with no red flags noted.
Measures to minimise environmental impact We undertake measures such as self-imposed seasonal restrictions on drill programs, drilling on existing cleared areas where possible, and rehabilitation efforts post-drilling to minimise environmental impact.
Efforts to positively impact the community We complete cultural resource surveys prior to drilling, give preference to local contractors and services where available, and continue to build our capacity for local community engagement.
Our Board

In Safe Hands

Our Board and management team is made up of individuals with vast experience in resources, corporate finance and law, supported by the proven capabilities of our US-based project team.

Investment Highlights

Stats that matter

Explore the promise of Jindalee in the energy and lithium landscape. Our investment highlights showcase the untapped potential for growth within this opportunity and dynamic sector.

07 Sep 2024
CASH (as at 30/06/23) $2.3m